Unlocking the Power of Collaboration

Discover PCORI’s new resource: the Foundational Expectations for Partnerships in Research. These six key building blocks lay the groundwork for impactful collaboration, whether you’re a researcher, clinician, or community member. Dive into practical guidance that will elevate your work and shape future funding opportunities. Visit their website to explore this useful resource now!

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Researcher readiness for participating in community-engaged dissemination and implementation research: a conceptual framework of core competencies

Shea et al., 2017 Translational Behavioral Medicine


Equitable and Inclusive Research Resource

Joint Research Practices

The Joint Research Practices (JRP) is a group of staff and faculty who are striving to make it easier for Penn research teams to conduct research that is more inclusive and equitable. They have developed guidelines on topics such as: interpretation and translation; readability and plain language; inclusive terminology; payments and incentives; and participant-centeredness.

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Researcher readiness for participating in community-engaged dissemination and implementation research: a conceptual framework of core competencies

Shea et al., 2017 Translational Behavioral Medicine


Community Driven Research Day 2024

via CHOP Center for Violence Prevention and CDRD

Community-Driven Research Day (CDRD) is a program that encourages collaboration between researchers and community-based organizations (CBOs)/community groups that have research questions they are interested in answering.

Through CDRD, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and community groups interested in developing partnerships to conduct research participate in an interactive rapid presentation that highlights their mission, goals, and major accomplishments and displays research questions they are interested in answering to health and equity for their community members.

The 2024 Community-Driven Research Day will be held on February 9, 2024 in Philadelphia.  The event will open with a panel of past CDRD awardees and community-driven research experts presenting on effective community-academic collaborations. Following the panel discussion, CBOs and community groups will participate in an interactive poster session to highlight research questions of interest to researchers, public sector partners and others interested in community-academic partnerships.

The event is jointly sponsored by the following institutions: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University, Temple University College of Public Health, La Salle University, Thomas Jefferson University, and the University of Pennsylvania.

We are committed to community-based participatory research, which includes the basic tenet that both community partners and research partners are involved in all phases of research, allowing community capacity and related opportunities to be developed and sustained. The focus of CDRD is about making connections, and the CDRD organizing committee is willing to help facilitate connections.

Small grants are awarded to promising community partner-researcher collaborations annually through a competitive submission process.  




View the 2024 flyer

Find more event details here

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Submit a consultation request using our online form.


Researcher readiness for participating in community-engaged dissemination and implementation research: a conceptual framework of core competencies

Shea et al., 2017 Translational Behavioral Medicine


Glanz receives top honors in medicine and research

A Legacy in Ink and Impact


On November 17th, Dr. Glanz was joined by colleagues and guests at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia as she became a Fellow of the College of Physicians. This historic society, dating back to 1787, is dedicated to “better serving the public and lessening human misery.” Dr. Glanz’s signature now joins a legacy of medical luminaries, a testament to her exceptional contributions to the field.

Glanz joins many colleagues at Penn and in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology who are fellows, including Drs. John Holmes, Kevin Johnson, Ann O’Sullivan, and Dean Sara Bachman of the School of Social Policy and Practice.


Shining a Light on Women in Science


Dr. Glanz’s inclusion in Research.com’s ranking of Best Female Scientists 2023 is equally inspiring. Glanz was ranked as one of the Best Female Scientists for the 2nd year in a row!

The full details on their ranking process can be found on their website, where Dr. Glanz was ranked 546 out of 166,880 female scientists. Sixteen women at the University of Pennsylvania are also on the list.

The 2nd edition of Research.com ranking of top female scientists in the world is based on data acquired from a wide range of bibliometric sources including OpenAlex and CrossRef on 21-12-2022. Position in the ranking is based on a scientist’s overall H-index.

This ranking of best female scientists in the world comprises of leading female scientists from all key areas of science. It was based on a detailed analysis of 166,880 profiles.​


Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice, the book for which Dr. Glanz is the lead Editor, has been cited 11,170 times (3rd edition, 2008). This speaks volumes about the book’s impact, which plays a major role in shaping the way we approach understanding health-related behavior and empowering individuals to make informed choices about their well-being. See the list of some of her most-cited publications at the bottom of her profile page on Research.com.

These honors are not just accolades; they are testaments to Dr. Glanz’s many productive years of work and her unwavering dedication to improving health through research.

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Submit a consultation request using our online form.


Researcher readiness for participating in community-engaged dissemination and implementation research: a conceptual framework of core competencies

Shea et al., 2017 Translational Behavioral Medicine


Two CEAR-funded pilot projects continue to make an impact

In 2021, Dr. Nadav Schwartz (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology) received a CEAR Core Pilot Grant to study the feasibility of remote fetal monitoring for high-risk pregnancies. The team has gone on to receive an NICHD-funded R01 to further expand this research, which has the potential to improve access to care for underserved and disadvantaged women. Schwartz notes that the CEAR-funded work was instrumental in the planning and design of their larger trial. For more information, see their recently published Research Letter in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Sara Jacoby, MPH, MSN, PhD (Associate Professor of Nursing) Sara Solomon, MPH (Penn Injury Science Center Deputy Director), and community-based organization ACHIEVEability. received a Community Driven Research Day grant in 2022. The team evaluated the implementation of the 60th Street Strong Coalition and developed data systems to assess the program’s initial impacts on gun violence and youth. The team has since received grants from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, PNC (Racial and Social Justice grant), the Eagles Foundation, and Wells Fargo to further their research efforts in minimizing gun violence impact on youth.

CDRD Pilot Grants at Penn are co-funded by CEAR Core of ITMAT and the Penn Center for Public Health.

Pilot Grant Awards for 2023-2024

The Community Engagement and Research Core (CEAR) at the University of Pennsylvania has awarded pilot grant funding for 2023-2024. Two projects were selected to receive funding through the CEAR Pilot Grant Program, and one project was selected to receive funding through Community Driven Research Day and will be co-funded with Penn Center for Public Health (formally Center for Public Health Initiatives, CPHI)


CEAR pilot grant recipients:

Screening for Nutrition in Oncology Settings for Underserved Rural Communities with Food Insecurity and Social Determinants of Health Challenges

  • Tamara Cadet, PhD, MPH (Associate Professor, Social Policy & Practice)


Health Care Use Among Patients Newly Insured via Hospital-Based Insurance Linkage

  • Elinore Kaufman, MD, MSHP (Assistant Professor, Surgery)


The Community Engagement and Research (CEAR) Core of the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) at the University of Pennsylvania has made pilot grant funding available for research with public and community health relevance since 2014.


CDRD pilot grant recipient:

The Preparation and Pilot Implementation of HOPE-ish: A Mental Health Awareness Program


Community-Driven Research Day (CDRD) is a program that encourages collaboration between researchers and community-based organizations (CBOs)/community groups that have research questions they are interested in answering.

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Submit a consultation request using our online form.


Researcher readiness for participating in community-engaged dissemination and implementation research: a conceptual framework of core competencies

Shea et al., 2017 Translational Behavioral Medicine


Call for Proposals – Connecting Penn Research to Communities

The Community Engagement and Research (CEAR) Core of the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) at the University of Pennsylvania is sponsoring a pilot grant program to fund small-scale and developmental research with public and community health relevance. This year’s priority themes are cancer risk and cancer prevention. We are especially interested in receiving applications under these themes but will also consider applications on other topics. We expect to fund 3-5 projects in the range of $5,000 to $20,000.

Learn more HERE

Call for Proposals – details HERE

Application due date: March 24, 2023 by 5pm

Research Readiness Day 2023

Research Readiness Day

Research Readiness Day (RRD) is designed as a complement to CDRD to prepare participants to develop community-academic partnerships. RRD is a technical assistance event for CBOs and community groups interested in learning more about effective community/academic research partnerships.

This is a great opportunity for community organizations that presented posters at CDRD to gain technical assistance in developing their CDRD proposal.

RRD 2023 will be held virtually on February 16, 2023 from 10:00am – 12:00pm.

Learn more here.

Click here to register.

Community Driven Research Day 2023


via CHOP Center for Violence Prevention

Through CDRD, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and community groups interested in developing partnerships to conduct research participate in an interactive rapid presentation that highlights the organization’s/group’s mission, goals, and major accomplishments, as well as display research questions that they are interested in answering about how we can advance health and equity for their community members.

The 2023 Community-Driven Research Day will be held on January 26, 2023 from 9:30am – 12:30pm in the DiPiero Grand Meeting Room (Room 221) at Drexel University’s Gerri C. LeBow College of Business on 3220 Market Street, Philadelphia PA. To open the event, a panel of past CDRD awardees and community-driven research experts will present on effective community-academic collaborations. Following the panel discussion, CBO’s and community groups will participate in an interactive poster session to highlight their research questions of interests to researchers, public sector partners, and others interested in community-academic partnerships.

The event is jointly sponsored by the following institutions: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Temple University College of Public Health, Thomas Jefferson University, and The University of Pennsylvania.

We are committed to community-based participatory research, which includes the basic tenet that both community partners and research partners are involved in all phases of research, allowing community capacity and related opportunities to be developed and sustained. The focus of CDRD is about making connections and the CDRD organizing committee is willing to help facilitate connections.

Small grants are awarded to promising community partner-researcher collaborations annually through a competitive submission process.  

REGISTRATION for 2023 is closed.

See highlights from the event HERE.

Community Driven Research Day pilot grant awards for 2022-2023

The Community Engagement and Research Core (CEAR) and Penn Center for Public Health (formally Center for Public Health Initiatives, CPHI) at the University of Pennsylvania have awarded pilot grant funding for 2022-2023. Two projects were selected to receive funding.

Evaluating the gun violence prevention potential of the 60th Street Strong Coalition
Building capacity to address equity in sexual health and wellness among transgender and gender nonbinary communities in Philadelphia

Community-Driven Research Day (CDRD) is a program that encourages collaboration between researchers and community-based organizations (CBOs)/community groups that have research questions they are interested in answering.